Important information

On Friday May 17, 2024, on behalf of the Admin Council, the Domaine's security chief lodged a complaint against X with the Fréjus-Saint Raphaël police station to report the illegal shooting of a wild boar on the Domaine using a firearm.

Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact the police (tel : 04 94 51 90 00) as soon as possible, quoting the following PV number: 746/2024/003533.

This incident highlights the use of firearms on the estate, which could have caused collateral damage by endangering others.

The members of the Admin Council remind you that the use of firearms is forbidden on the estate for obvious safety reasons, and protest against the irresponsibility of the perpetrator of this offence, who is liable to the sanctions provided for in our internal regulations.

They point out that measures have been taken to eradicate the wild boar. Only one person, a trapper approved by the prefecture, is authorised to eliminate them on the estate, in compliance with the safety instructions specific to this function. The accreditation has just been validated.

We would like to remind you that it is strictly forbidden to feed wild boar, which are classified as "harmful animals", and that any offender may be penalized in accordance with our regulations.

On behalf of the Admin Council,

Christian BARON

Information importante